Hello Readers !! Today we will see how we can use the CSV action and list variable in Power Automate Desktop (PAD). Most of the time we need to read data from the CSV file. In my today’s example, we will see how to read columns in CSV. This example will help in understanding the CSV action of PAD.

Read from CSV file

Before we proceed to read from CSV under PAD, need to create a CSV file. As you can see from the below screenshot, I have created an Empfile.csv. This is very simple with Name, StaffID, and MobileNO as column headers.

CSV and List in PAD

After creating the CSV file, use Read from CSV file action of PAD. Use the default configurations as it is given. Provide the File path and enable the First line contains column names option. You can refer to this link on how to start with PAD.

CSV and List in PAD
Read from CSV

Retrieve data table

Now in this step, we will retrieve the data table column into the list. Basically, this action of PAD converts the contents of a data table column into a list.

CSV and List in PAD
Retrieve data table

Set the Data table value is equal to the CSV Table variable. And column name or index is equal to 0 because here I want to show the first column. You can provide the index value as per your requirement.

Display Message

Now in next step, I will display the column as list data into a message box. As you can see in below screenshot, message to display value is equal to column as list variable.

CSV and List in PAD
Display Message

After completing the above steps, hit on the Run and you will see result like below screenshot.


Hope you all will like this small demonstration on CSV and list variable in PAD. If you like this post, please share and subscribe to our site for more articles. Also, you can post your suggestion for the next article in the comment box.
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